Mint Chutney

Mint chutney is one of my favourites. It reminds me of my mum growing mint in her garden. When she harvested the mint, I used to pick and eat it from the plant. Now my grandson does the same with me!

My mum used to make the chutney in a large granite mortar and pestle as she learnt that as a young girl growing in India. She never bought an electric blender. She used to say sitting on the floor improves your posture and could strengthen your pelvic floor. The grinding with the pestle is good for the arms and avoids getting batwings. She would grind with alternate hands to keep the balance. Doing it this old fashioned way does have physical benefits and saves you a day at the gym.

The beating of the spices also brings out more flavours, and it’s pretty therapeutic. My mum would sit and make all sorts of food and just get lost in her thoughts. We have become accustomed to everything being made quickly because of the way life is. If you don’t have time to sit and use the mortar and pestle, it’s OK to use the blender. I also use it when I don’t have time.

There is a little laughter exercise you could do with this. Take a deep breath, and when grinding, go ha ha ha ho ho ho he he he and laugh. Make a tune, hum or sing or just watch your thoughts; some mindfulness is thrown into the ingredients. There is no right or wrong way. My point here is to enjoy the process.

Mint is a perennial herb mostly grown for its leaves. Growing mint in the garden or indoors is really easy. It’s a very hardy herb and doesn’t really need much maintenance. They are infused in hot water as herbal tea (mint tea can aid digestion) and added to many dishes or made sauces and chutneys.

There are different kinds of mint. I have two types in my garden. One is the Morrocan mint which is light in colour, and the leaves are soft and a little furry, which smells really nice. The second one is Apple mint, also known as Mentha suaveolens which is darker in colour and leaves and a bit harder, and it smells just as lovely. Mint can take over the garden, so it is best grown in large contains or pots. Not all mint types are used for culinary purposes, so if you are new to growing mint, go for the Morrocan or Apple mint.

Morrocan Mint
Apple mint

Check out tips on RHS gardening

RHS is an excellent platform to learn about growing your own produce.


Large spoon of laughter :)))

  • Whatever you have harvested from your garden (best to wait till there is plentiful)
  • 1 bunch of coriander
  • 1 bunch of mint (if not growing at home)
  • 2 small green chillies
  • Tamarind sauce (optional) can buy ready made from Indian grocers.
  • 1 medium sized lemon.
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt.
  • 1 teaspoon sugar.


  • Pluck the mint leaves from the stems
  • Cut the roots off from the bunch of coriander (no need to pluck leaves off as stems can be used too)
  • Cut the lemon in half and squeeze the juice and keep it aside.
  • Wash the coriander, mint and green chillies.
  • Add all the ingredients in a blender and blend untill smooth. ( if you want to use mortar and pestle, roughly chop the mint, coriander and chillies, this will make it easier to grind.
  • Put in a clean dry jar.
  • Can be stored in fridge for up to 3 weeks.

Enjoy :)))

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